Sitemap - 2022 - Living with Grace and Ease

Planning for 2023?

Happy Holidays

Here’s a different view of the holidays!

Something new is coming this Saturday

How do you start your day?

Make a To-Be List

My favorite tree

Drag Queens

Accepting what is?

Getting to Carnegie Hall

Your Story

Where's Your Focus?

100 Things.....

What's Your Cycle?

Just one more.....

Is Life Supposed to Be Easy?

Yep - another three-letter word!

Are you digging in your heels?

A three-letter word

Can you let the past go with grace and ease?

Where do your creative ideas come from?

Are we donuts in a cookie cutter world?

After manifesting...then what?

Are you identified with your wounds?

You can't steal my joy!

Be choosy

Are you listening?

Are you guilty?

What about family?

Let's have some fun!

Buttons or beans?

What are you waiting for?

How do you end your day?

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

How do you start your day?

What else don't I know?

How are you handling uncertainty?

Go into airplane mode

Let me tell you a story about tea...

Here's your Sunday video

I asked to see the warrant.....

I wonder what you'll do.....

What is your metronome?

Would you like more clarity in your life?

The Secret Something

What do feathers have to do with it?

Is the big bad wolf paying you a visit?

Your Sunday Video: Forgiveness?

Shake things up!

Become it!

Are vegans, vegetarians, or gluten-free-ers better than the rest of us?

A manifesting tip

Are we watching cult behavior?

Your video - good enough?

It's time for the big weapon: ladies, stop having sex (with men).

My first metaphysical teacher....

Your Sunday video

An interesting thought happened.....

Your Sunday Three or Under

I went to Barcelona, Spain

Are you on your right path?

For this moment I was born

When do you give up?

Your Sunday Three or Under

We had to watch out for knives....

What to do, what to do.....

This week's video!

Where will those thoughts land?

Three or Under video

We live in interesting times…..

Learn from those who have walked before you

More about Roger.....


I commiserate with my Christian friends....

Who or what will you praise today?

Are you living?

Friday is trash day

Saying goodbye is never easy.......

What day is it?

What do you see?

I admit it.....

Why what Will Smith did matters...

I'm not going to talk about the Spring Equinox

Don't say gay.....

Hearing my mother's voice....




Life is a series of letting go.

Have you done the 100-day challenge?

Is your worry stone worried?



How are you celebrating Black History month?

Are you enough?

Please ban more books....

New shampoo....

Do you complain?

Change your attitude....

No extra points.....