When I let myself focus on some of the negative things going on in the world right now, I can start feeling despondent, sad, helpless. If only I could wave my magic wand over the planet and have everything be okay for everyone, I’d do it right now. Alas and alack, I cannot.
However…..some years ago, I learned something very helpful and I use this idea a lot. It comes from Nayaswami Kriyananda, the founder of the Ananda Church of Self-Realization. The story goes that he and a group of friends were driving up a mountain road to go skiing when they had car trouble and couldn’t continue driving the car. They called for roadside assistance which was going to take awhile to get to them. A bus was going by headed to the ski area, so he said, “Let’s get on the bus and go skiing.” They did.
Kriyananda’s friends and he were laughing and joking and having a good time. One of the other passengers said, “I hear you had car trouble and had to abandon your car. Yet, here you are on this bus going skiing and having a good time. How can you do that? Aren’t you worried about your car? Don’t you want to get it fixed?” To which Kriyananda replied, “I figure that once the car has been towed and repaired, I will be happy. So, I ask myself, if I will be happy then, why not be happy right now? Why wait?”
The message which I use with myself is this. I know that at some point I will stop feeling whatever negative feelings are bothering me and be happy and at peace. So why not go ahead and feel that way right now? Having used this for several years, I am able to shift out of the negative feelings pretty quickly. Give it a try the next time you are worried, fearful, angry, or otherwise miserable. If you know you will feel better in an hour or so, why not go ahead and feel better right now? The more you do this, the faster you can do it.
If feeling bad could help the world, I would vote to feel bad. It won’t help and, in fact, only hurts because we’re putting bad vibes out into the ethers for other people to absorb. The sooner we can switch our energy into neutral or happy, the sooner we can contribute to the solution and not the problem.
Here’s a little video from my Three Minutes or Under series where I share thoughts about how to feel better.
Believe it or not, you already use crystals! Yes, they are used in watches, computers and many other things. Learn how to use these wonderful stones in other ways to make your life happier and more fulfilled here.
And if you teach classes or give presentations, my Tips for Teachers classes could be very helpful for you! See a preview here.
Living with grace and ease,