What to do, what to do.....
The other day I was on the phone with a scheduler to have a service technician come out and give our air conditioner a once-over before the Arizona heat starts firing up. We’ve already hit 97 a few times and have been warned that sometimes it can get to over 125 degrees for days in a row. That would not be a good time to have one’s air conditioner go on the fritz.
The gentleman helping me was annoyed because his computer was not behaving and he kept apologizing to me for the call taking so long. Someone in his office had said something about Mercury but he didn’t understand what that meant. I gave him a very quick overview of Mercury retrograde and how it can affect things like computers. “Really?” he said, “I thought my friend was just being weird.” I suggested he read up on it and then start observing the retrograde times, see what happens, and decide for himself if it is real or not.
As the call continued, his challenges did as well. Finally, I said to him, “Hey, with Mercury retrograde, a full moon, and the entire world gone mad, what can we expect? Things are going to be a little challenging. Take a deep breath, relax, and just stay focused and you’ll be fine.” “I like you,” he said.
Today, I would like to say that to myself, to you, and to the entire world: take a deep breath, relax, and stay focused.
We’ve had another school shooting. Some little children won’t have the opportunity to grow up. Teachers who tried to protect the children were murdered. Parents are in full-blown desperation and grief. The general public is stunned once again while asking, “When will this stop?” Meanwhile, elected officials who could take some helpful actions refuse to do so because they are in the pockets of the gun industry and fear losing power and money should they do the right thing. They are weak caricatures of the civil servants and leaders they are supposed to be and need to be voted out of office and replaced with people who have a spine and will stand up for what’s right.
Take a deep breath, relax, and stay focused.
What about us? Other than feeling horrified, sad, discouraged, angry, and hopeless, what can we do? The issue is so big and complicated, can any one of us do anything about this? The obvious thing each of us can do on the physical level is be sure we vote and do our best to elect people who share our values. I am tired of hearing people say they won’t vote because “they are all crooks anyway.” What a cop-out and excuse for not wanting to take the time to learn about the people running for office and making the best choice you can. They are not all crooks. Find the ethical people and do your part to get them into office.
Here's a list of things we can do provided by BuzzFeed.
The entire planet is going through a huge shift in energy. Part of what we’re seeing right now is how poorly some people are handling this. People who are on the edge are not acting rationally and are reacting with an insane level of anger or despair. If you are in a position to notify officials of someone acting out, do so. For instance, who would sell 375 rounds of ammunition to an 18-year old man and not call the police once the person left his store? That’s exactly what someone did yesterday.
We hear of other situations where someone was clearly unstable and no one took action. If you can act, do so.
Stay out of the fray energetically as much as possible. Don’t feed the mass consciousness with fear, despair, or anger. Use your spiritual tools to stay grounded and centered. “This too, shall pass” might seem to be an uncaring stance, but it is a true one. As a species, we will get through this and we can hope that maybe, just maybe, this is a culminating event that breaks through some of the darkness that seems to be invading our planet.
Those who know more than I do say this energetic shift is going to be around for awhile. If they are right, that means we will continue to see unstable people acting out. Let’s not add to their lack of stability by behaving in negative ways ourselves. Breathe. Stay focused. Do what you can. Turn the rest of it over to Divine Mother or your preferred Deity who is in charge of this apparent mess.
Living in grace and ease,