Think about this. Anyone who is older than you are has lived through your age but you haven’t lived through theirs. If you’re in your 30’s, people in their 80’s know what it’s like to live through the experiences most people have when they are 30. People in their 30’s don’t know what it’s like to be in their 80’s. Why does this matter?
Even though the world is different now than when people in their 80’s were in their 30’s, the developmental processes we all go through haven’t changed that much. Just think of the accumulated wisdom that exists in those who have walked ahead of you.
It’s true that just because someone is older doesn’t mean they are wiser - that can be seen easily on the world stage today! However, even those who live fairly unconscious lives can still teach us something if we pay attention. What’s also true is that there are a lot of very wise people who are older than we are who can teach us a lot if we’re willing to learn.
Those older than you can tell you about what pitfalls they did and didn’t avoid. They can tell you what worked for them even if the same thing might not work for you. When you learn of the struggles older people went through, you can feel inspired and able to rededicate yourself to your dreams and goals.
I had the great fortune of working in eldercare for eight years. Daily, I spent time with people in their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s and I learned so much from them. Most older people are happy to share their experiences with us if only we ask and then listen.
It’s also true that younger people can teach older folks. Today, especially, there are many young people who have great wisdom and energy. Maybe we can all sit down together from time to time and learn from one another. No matter what age you are right now, be open to learning from those who walked ahead of you and from those who walk beside and behind you. We’re all in this energetic soup together!
Living with grace and ease,
Thank you Krysta, I will turn 88 tomorrow and loving every moment of the wonderful life I have and have had. So many young people are curious about the past coming from my experience . Best wishes and Love & Light Jim Riley