Tell someone what they can’t do and guess what? That is exactly what they want to do and, in the case of young people, it’s what they will make every effort to do as soon as possible.
Some school districts are banning certain books from their schools - mostly books about gays, lesbians, and transgender people - because these folks trying to run the schools don’t want their children to know about the LGBTQ community. Gee, the children might “catch” homosexuality and become one of “those people.” News item: one isn’t made gay or transgender because of something we read or learn. Just like heterosexuals, we’re born the way we’re born - the way Goddess made us.
As Stephan King said on Twitter today, these kids need to make a list of the banned books and then get to their local library or book store (and I add - their parents’ attics), get the books and read them because this is information they need to have. Why else would the people in charge try to keep these books hidden from the young people?
The other thing being done is asking the parents to “turn in” any teacher or school official who discusses any topic the parent feels should not be discussed in school. The politicians in question don’t just want to erase information about gays, et al, they also want information about slavery, white supremacy, black and Latino history hidden from children. I guess they think if these children grow up ignorant of these issues, it will be easier to control them as they grow up.
I don’t think this is going to work. Not only are children smarter than they are being given credit for, I believe most parents want their children to be educated, not indoctrinated. As this new movement tries to put down roots, I believe there are people who will see this for what it is and do what they can to stop it.
Let me put on my woo-woo hat for a minute. I believe in reincarnation. I also believe we choose the basic overview of the life we want to live and learn from before we incarnate. It is my belief that many of the youngsters this is being aimed at came here specifically to fight oppression and discrimination. Once they live through this period of restriction and are old enough to vote and run for office, watch out. They will be people on missions who won’t be easily stopped. I welcome and see this as a good thing.
I have one request. Would somebody ban my books so more people would buy them? That’s a marketing strategy I haven’t yet tried.
Living with grace and ease,
Well put. I've been thinking that we should help start very many "Banned Book", book clubs.