From the time we’re born until the day we die, our lives are about letting go. Our culture says life is about acquiring and it is in some ways, of course. But for everything we acquire, there’s something else we have to give up.
We’re born and have to let go of the safety and comfort of the womb.
We start school and have to let go of the familiarity of home.
We become teenagers and let go of our innocence.
We marry or enter a committed relationship and give up the freedoms of being single.
Daily, we let go of one day so we can have the next.
…and so it goes. The people who are the happiest are those who know how to hold on lightly to people, ideas, opinions, physical objects, and situations. There is an art to letting go. We generally make it more difficult than it has to be. The more consciously we let go, the easier it becomes the next time.
I love doing physical things to help me let go. I like to write down the situation on a piece of paper, tear it up and flush it, or burn it, or put it in recycling. It’s also fun to put whatever you’re letting go of in a pink balloon and see it float away.
In case you have something you want to let go of, I have drawn a hot air balloon for you. Just put your situation in the basket and watch it float away - gone forever! Then move on with joy. It might not always be that easy, but sometimes it can be - give it a try.
Living with grace and ease,