In my last newsletter, I mentioned a physician who taught me to change my thoughts by saying to myself, “Cancel! Cancel! Love! Love!” Here’s the short version of how that happened.
It was 1983 and I was living in Tsawwassen, Canada, near Vancouver, with my now ex-husband and had just experienced a business loss due to the recession taking place at that time. I was devastated, feeling very lost, and had a lot of stress in my life. A friend of mine asked me if I believed in psychics. I told her I neither believed nor disbelieved, that I thought there were probably some people who had such gifts and others who faked it.
My friend said she knew two gifted psychics who gave psychic parties at people’s houses. My friend thought I should host a psychic party. She said I would invite the people, provide the space, and for doing this I would get a reading with each of the psychics at no cost. It sounded like fun, so I decided to do it.
Both of my readings were interesting, to say the least. One of them, however, put my life on a new trajectory. The psychic said, “All the keys have been turned and you are now ready to move forward in your life.” It’s difficult to describe how this resonated with me. Even though I didn’t understand the message, I felt electrified. The woman then told me about a physician I should see. She said my stress level was off the charts and he could help me learn how to relax. She also said to keep an open mind because he was not your usual doctor.
I figured I had nothing to lose, called his office, and went for my first visit. The visit started off great since I really liked his medical assistant/office manager person and she made me feel at ease and reassured. The doctor and I met in his office where we simply talked about my life and the various situations I was facing. Because I didn’t have physical symptoms that needed addressing, we skipped the usual physical exam. Instead, we moved to an adjoining small room that had an office chair, a recliner chair, and a small table with a cassette player/recorder.
The Doc explained that he was going to teach me how to meditate. He told me to sit in the recliner and get comfortable. He put a cassette tape in the recorder, put on some relaxing music, and read a guided meditation that was designed for me. Then he left the room while the music continued for about 45 minutes.
My prescription was to listen to this guided meditation every day for two weeks and then return for another session with him. Among other things the doctor put on the tape, was the instruction to never allow myself to think a thought I didn’t want to see materialized in my life. In the recording, he also said that if I found myself thinking negative thoughts to say to myself, “Cancel! Cancel! Love! Love.”
This doctor also told me about the teachings of Ernest Holmes and his organization then called Science of Mind, now called the Centers for Spiritual Living. From here, my involvement in metaphysics took off and if you’re interested, you can read more in my book on Amazon.
It’s important we pay attention to information that flows our way. At first, something might seem meaningless and we don’t pay much attention. Later, we learn this was a major shoulder tap from the Universe. What if I had just tossed aside this idea of hosting a psychic party? Perhaps I would not have met this doctor and wouldn’t have learned so much from him. Yes, the Universe could always choose a different way to move me where I needed to go; but, perhaps it would have been much later in my life - or perhaps another shoulder tap wouldn’t have come at all.
Be aware. Pay attention to signs and signals. It could be a call from the higher part of yourself or from the Universe/God/Goddess. It could be that your key has been turned and doors are opening. Be ready to walk through and discover what’s on the other side.
Living with Grace and Ease,
If you enjoy this newsletter, you would probably enjoy my book Inspiration: Nourishment for Your Spirit Journey
If you give classes or give presentations at work, check out my class Tips for Teachers
And if you want to know more about all the fuss about crystals, check out this course of mine.
I hope this isn't redundant as I lost my first typed message and not sure if it got posted. I just want to tell you this is great news and I will keep an eye out for the Udemy Vid. I am beginning to be more understanding of the tired old phrase my mother in law used to say about old age not being for wimps. I am grateful for my teachers and peers who help me remember that pain isn't always avoidable but suffering is. Take care and I look forward to whatever you grace us with.
I hope you have another book in the works. ❤️