Each month since we moved to our new home last October, we do at least one thing to make improvements. This month, we replaced four outside light fixtures. The ones that came with the house worked but were at least 22 years old, didn’t match, and didn’t light up the outdoor areas as well as we wanted them to.
During the process of buying the fixtures, we discovered something you probably knew about but I didn’t. There are light bulbs that are light sensitive so they come on at dusk and turn off at dawn. It isn’t the fixtures that turn off and on; it’s the bulbs themselves. I was amazed. Who knew someone had invented such a handy feature for light bulbs? No longer do we have to ask each other, “Did you turn the carriage lights on?” “Did you turn the porch light off?” And no more wasting electricity because we forgot and left the lights on.
As I sat with this new-to-me information, I wondered: what else don’t I know, especially in the spiritual arena? It’s so easy to become self-satisfied with the knowledge and experience we have to the point that we aren’t aware of new information.
Ask yourself how open you are to learning new things, working with new ideas and concepts, and even changing some of your long-held sacred beliefs. What if the new energies coming onto the planet right now are making some of your sacred cows less sacred? What if some of the rituals and processes you’ve used for years have been updated and improved and you don’t know about it?
If there was this new kind of light bulb I didn’t know about, I ask myself what else don’t I know and invite the Universe to show me. Perhaps I’m in for an exciting time. Open your heart and mind and join me in discoveries we didn’t know were there to be had!
Living in grace and ease,
I love this question! Time to get curious. :)
The problem is we don't know what we don’t know.