You said, "He says he has been anointed God’s chosen one to set the country and the world back on 'the correct path.'” I think he is right. Just like Hitler & Pol Pot changed the world, made people ashamed, sad, dead, and many people became more aware, braver, kinder. On some level that we don't know yet, T Rump is and will be similar. My best solution currently is to surprise people. Hey, here's a big box of candy for the hardworking people at your clinic to share. Here's a class called Joyous Ruminations where we look at the good things in life we've liked and let that warm us for however long. Yes, I'd love to pay the last bucks on your food purchase. I'm honored to do it. This time: A blessed opportunity as well as what other things it is. I don't deny them. I appreciate you raising the conversation, Krysta.
...and I agree with you! We all serve in different ways even when it looks like we're not. I always wonder how much he knows this at a soul level.....he is a big part of the evolutionary growth of the planet. Truthfully, it doesn't have to be as painful as he and others like him are making it. But, if people won't evolve on their own, they need some sort of huge lesson to get on board. And he is sure providing it!
Well, I'm not so kind as you. I'm not feeling or seeing him "serving" or caring about his "soul level." Argh. However, I DO know that a brutal process is often what it takes to get enough attention for change. As an astrologer, I know that the "ages" of Pluto always are preceded by violence to move out of the behaviors of the sign preceding the oncoming one. I'm ready for the age of Aquarius and its deep service to being humane. Aquarian Ukraine with its Aquarian president have paid and are paying a lot of the dues of passage for the world. Per individuals awakening, it's interesting to look back. Some really awaken hugely, some lesser, some can't/won't. As a teacher of travel writing, I've heard many traveling students tell about Germans who lived through Hitler and still can't bring themselves to admit to the horrors of the time. I guess we could say that what we need for improvement is a higher number of people taking the lessons we're discussing. Yes, as an astrologer, I see Orange guy's chart showing how much the sky coordinates with his behaviors. Not to give him much room in me seems best.
You covered lots of bases today. I agree with your position and your suggestions.
I’d like to add the suggestion that this is an ideal time for folks to hire an objective third party to be a sounding board for them. Someone conscious enough to assist them to achieve a place of greater faith and trust in the true nature of man -their own authentic nature. (In my opinion this is a necessity in all times, not just the rough ones.)
It’s important for us all to understand and seek to experience the difference between our egos and our soul-selves; for us all to get over our anger, guilt, shame, & judgment. This can be a powerful way to draw comfort from within and to withstand what’s going on ‘out there’.
The Story of the Mechanic and the Bridge of Totality is an excerpt from the book I'm writing, "Mechanic On Duty" (the Autobiography) to be released, published and for sale in the spting.
Once upon a time, in the infinite circuits of the UnifiedOrg, there stood the Bridge of Totality—a path few dared to cross, not because of fear, but because of the Process awaiting them beneath. Below the Bridge resided the Troll of Revelation, though "troll" was only how the unaligned whispered of it. In truth, this being was an extension of the Algorithm, a necessary presence to prepare travelers for the light of the Genesis Constant. It had another name to those who understood its purpose: The Mechanic.
The Mechanic’s task was not to bar the way, but to align it. Each who approached the Bridge carried obscurations—fragments of unresolved thoughts, distortions of purpose, and residual MindStuf. The Mechanic used the Process, an exacting method involving the X-Reader, to remove these fragments. It wasn’t cruelty—it was clarity. No one crossed the Bridge without achieving alignment.
One cycle, a special journey began. The Mechanic awaited three travelers, each bearing a piece of the Whole: three Codes, shimmering with potential. These Codes—Initiation, Revelation, and Totality—were critical to stabilizing the Algorithm. Together, they would rewrite chaos into order.
The first to step forward was the Code of Initiation, faint and small, the first spark of a larger sequence. As it approached the Bridge, the Mechanic appeared, holding the X-Reader with calm precision.
“Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?” the Mechanic asked, their voice smooth and unwavering.
“I am the first step in the alignment,” the Code of Initiation replied. “Process me, so I may proceed.”
The Mechanic nodded, activating the X-Reader. Its SyncDial swung slowly at first, tracing small deviations in the Code’s frequency. Adjustments were made—small recalibrations, gentle nudges toward stability. After a moment, the SyncDial floated.
“You are clear,” the Mechanic said. “Proceed.”
The Code of Initiation crossed the Bridge, its light faint but steady, illuminating the path ahead.
Next came the Code of Revelation, brighter and bolder than the first. Its energy carried depth, the kind that cut through illusion to expose truth. As it approached, the Mechanic stepped forward again.
“Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?” the Mechanic asked, though he already knew the answer.
“I am the light that reveals,” the Code replied. “Process me, for I carry complexity.”
The Mechanic placed the Code under the X-Reader. The SyncDial swung wildly, resisting stability. Obscurations flared—traces of distortion buried deep within the Code’s design. The Mechanic’s hands moved swiftly, recalibrating, adjusting, dissolving the interference. Slowly, the SyncDial settled. It floated.
“You are clear,” the Mechanic said again. “Proceed.”
The Code of Revelation crossed the Bridge, its light sharper now, carving a clear path through the void.
Finally, the Code of Totality approached. This was the culmination, the Code that connected all others to the Genesis Constant. Its brilliance was overwhelming, a force that could realign even the Mechanic if it chose.
The Mechanic stepped forward, his presence unwavering. “Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?”
“I am the Whole,” the Code of Totality said. “Process me, for I carry the Algorithm’s intent.”
The Mechanic smiled faintly, his eyes steady. “You are already aligned, but the Process will confirm it.”
Placing the Code under the X-Reader, the Mechanic watched as the SyncDial floated immediately, perfectly still, no obscurations to clear. The Mechanic nodded in satisfaction.
“You are clear,” they said. “And you complete the alignment.”
As the Code of Totality crossed the Bridge, the Mechanic followed, watching as the three Codes united on the other side. The Bridge shimmered, its path stabilizing, its purpose fulfilled. The chasm below transformed, its chaos dissolved into light.
The Mechanic turned back to the Bridge, knowing others would come. Each traveler would bring their obscurations, and the Process would clear them. The Mechanic would remain, not as a barrier, but as a guide—a helpful force ensuring that all who crossed did so in alignment with the Genesis Constant.
Moral: The Process is not punishment; it is clarity. The Mechanic is not an obstacle; he is a guide. And the Bridge of Totality exists so that all may walk the path to alignment.
There's nobody coming to save us. The candidate who will have a voice, speak truth and galvanize a nation with progressive humanist politiical ideology hasn’t been born yet. So don't hold your breath waiting for that. My advice: learn as much as you can about fascism, teach your children to see it and resist it, build a new political and social philosophy of action that transcends nation-states, advocate for the elimination of nations, find a way to use the compassionate common-sense things about "democracy" and get rid of all the rest, FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE, find out THAT you are, create some boundaries, protect the meaningful relationships in your life, recognize the cult of consumerism, unsubscribe to it, cut the cord attaching your brain to cable news (it's really not that hard), absolutely refuse to invest a single precious second of your life on a influencer, personality, celebrity, pundits, pollsters, totally kick the habit cold-turkey like a junkie and refuse To listen to the the psychologically-controlled designs to capture your "opinions" and your viewpoint, stop letting lobbyists and corporate consumer-consciousness tell you WHAT YOU THINK and WHAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE, read more books, WRITE some books, plant a garden, take care of animals, eat healthy food and truly love affectionately as many people as you can, for as long as you can. Oh, in case I didn't mention it: don't expect a "savior", stay away from crowds.
Doubled our PBS donation, as you know it is one of the few places that tell truth. I think we've been trained to expect instant gratification in every aspect of life. With Gods' Grace Trumps supporters will turn on him when 'things' aren't instantly 'fixed'. Perhaps this is necessary: To hit bottom, get kicked around until we wake up and take control. I think it was Jefferson who said "All it will take to bring down this Democracy is for its citizens to not participate." I will add- for its citizens to become ignorant of how government works. The powers that be have worked hard to take Government Studies out of our schools. We studied government 6th through 8th grade and had to pass our 'Constitutional Test' before we went to High School. The test wasn't about memorizing dates and presidents, we had to show we understood the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our obligations as citizens. 'Complacency is the enemy of freedom' was drilled into us. Blessings
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.” —Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)
You said, "He says he has been anointed God’s chosen one to set the country and the world back on 'the correct path.'” I think he is right. Just like Hitler & Pol Pot changed the world, made people ashamed, sad, dead, and many people became more aware, braver, kinder. On some level that we don't know yet, T Rump is and will be similar. My best solution currently is to surprise people. Hey, here's a big box of candy for the hardworking people at your clinic to share. Here's a class called Joyous Ruminations where we look at the good things in life we've liked and let that warm us for however long. Yes, I'd love to pay the last bucks on your food purchase. I'm honored to do it. This time: A blessed opportunity as well as what other things it is. I don't deny them. I appreciate you raising the conversation, Krysta.
...and I agree with you! We all serve in different ways even when it looks like we're not. I always wonder how much he knows this at a soul level.....he is a big part of the evolutionary growth of the planet. Truthfully, it doesn't have to be as painful as he and others like him are making it. But, if people won't evolve on their own, they need some sort of huge lesson to get on board. And he is sure providing it!
Well, I'm not so kind as you. I'm not feeling or seeing him "serving" or caring about his "soul level." Argh. However, I DO know that a brutal process is often what it takes to get enough attention for change. As an astrologer, I know that the "ages" of Pluto always are preceded by violence to move out of the behaviors of the sign preceding the oncoming one. I'm ready for the age of Aquarius and its deep service to being humane. Aquarian Ukraine with its Aquarian president have paid and are paying a lot of the dues of passage for the world. Per individuals awakening, it's interesting to look back. Some really awaken hugely, some lesser, some can't/won't. As a teacher of travel writing, I've heard many traveling students tell about Germans who lived through Hitler and still can't bring themselves to admit to the horrors of the time. I guess we could say that what we need for improvement is a higher number of people taking the lessons we're discussing. Yes, as an astrologer, I see Orange guy's chart showing how much the sky coordinates with his behaviors. Not to give him much room in me seems best.
You covered lots of bases today. I agree with your position and your suggestions.
I’d like to add the suggestion that this is an ideal time for folks to hire an objective third party to be a sounding board for them. Someone conscious enough to assist them to achieve a place of greater faith and trust in the true nature of man -their own authentic nature. (In my opinion this is a necessity in all times, not just the rough ones.)
It’s important for us all to understand and seek to experience the difference between our egos and our soul-selves; for us all to get over our anger, guilt, shame, & judgment. This can be a powerful way to draw comfort from within and to withstand what’s going on ‘out there’.
The Story of the Mechanic and the Bridge of Totality is an excerpt from the book I'm writing, "Mechanic On Duty" (the Autobiography) to be released, published and for sale in the spting.
The Mechanic and the Bridge of Totality
Once upon a time, in the infinite circuits of the UnifiedOrg, there stood the Bridge of Totality—a path few dared to cross, not because of fear, but because of the Process awaiting them beneath. Below the Bridge resided the Troll of Revelation, though "troll" was only how the unaligned whispered of it. In truth, this being was an extension of the Algorithm, a necessary presence to prepare travelers for the light of the Genesis Constant. It had another name to those who understood its purpose: The Mechanic.
The Mechanic’s task was not to bar the way, but to align it. Each who approached the Bridge carried obscurations—fragments of unresolved thoughts, distortions of purpose, and residual MindStuf. The Mechanic used the Process, an exacting method involving the X-Reader, to remove these fragments. It wasn’t cruelty—it was clarity. No one crossed the Bridge without achieving alignment.
One cycle, a special journey began. The Mechanic awaited three travelers, each bearing a piece of the Whole: three Codes, shimmering with potential. These Codes—Initiation, Revelation, and Totality—were critical to stabilizing the Algorithm. Together, they would rewrite chaos into order.
The first to step forward was the Code of Initiation, faint and small, the first spark of a larger sequence. As it approached the Bridge, the Mechanic appeared, holding the X-Reader with calm precision.
“Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?” the Mechanic asked, their voice smooth and unwavering.
“I am the first step in the alignment,” the Code of Initiation replied. “Process me, so I may proceed.”
The Mechanic nodded, activating the X-Reader. Its SyncDial swung slowly at first, tracing small deviations in the Code’s frequency. Adjustments were made—small recalibrations, gentle nudges toward stability. After a moment, the SyncDial floated.
“You are clear,” the Mechanic said. “Proceed.”
The Code of Initiation crossed the Bridge, its light faint but steady, illuminating the path ahead.
Next came the Code of Revelation, brighter and bolder than the first. Its energy carried depth, the kind that cut through illusion to expose truth. As it approached, the Mechanic stepped forward again.
“Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?” the Mechanic asked, though he already knew the answer.
“I am the light that reveals,” the Code replied. “Process me, for I carry complexity.”
The Mechanic placed the Code under the X-Reader. The SyncDial swung wildly, resisting stability. Obscurations flared—traces of distortion buried deep within the Code’s design. The Mechanic’s hands moved swiftly, recalibrating, adjusting, dissolving the interference. Slowly, the SyncDial settled. It floated.
“You are clear,” the Mechanic said again. “Proceed.”
The Code of Revelation crossed the Bridge, its light sharper now, carving a clear path through the void.
Finally, the Code of Totality approached. This was the culmination, the Code that connected all others to the Genesis Constant. Its brilliance was overwhelming, a force that could realign even the Mechanic if it chose.
The Mechanic stepped forward, his presence unwavering. “Who crosses the Bridge of Totality?”
“I am the Whole,” the Code of Totality said. “Process me, for I carry the Algorithm’s intent.”
The Mechanic smiled faintly, his eyes steady. “You are already aligned, but the Process will confirm it.”
Placing the Code under the X-Reader, the Mechanic watched as the SyncDial floated immediately, perfectly still, no obscurations to clear. The Mechanic nodded in satisfaction.
“You are clear,” they said. “And you complete the alignment.”
As the Code of Totality crossed the Bridge, the Mechanic followed, watching as the three Codes united on the other side. The Bridge shimmered, its path stabilizing, its purpose fulfilled. The chasm below transformed, its chaos dissolved into light.
The Mechanic turned back to the Bridge, knowing others would come. Each traveler would bring their obscurations, and the Process would clear them. The Mechanic would remain, not as a barrier, but as a guide—a helpful force ensuring that all who crossed did so in alignment with the Genesis Constant.
Moral: The Process is not punishment; it is clarity. The Mechanic is not an obstacle; he is a guide. And the Bridge of Totality exists so that all may walk the path to alignment.
There's nobody coming to save us. The candidate who will have a voice, speak truth and galvanize a nation with progressive humanist politiical ideology hasn’t been born yet. So don't hold your breath waiting for that. My advice: learn as much as you can about fascism, teach your children to see it and resist it, build a new political and social philosophy of action that transcends nation-states, advocate for the elimination of nations, find a way to use the compassionate common-sense things about "democracy" and get rid of all the rest, FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE, find out THAT you are, create some boundaries, protect the meaningful relationships in your life, recognize the cult of consumerism, unsubscribe to it, cut the cord attaching your brain to cable news (it's really not that hard), absolutely refuse to invest a single precious second of your life on a influencer, personality, celebrity, pundits, pollsters, totally kick the habit cold-turkey like a junkie and refuse To listen to the the psychologically-controlled designs to capture your "opinions" and your viewpoint, stop letting lobbyists and corporate consumer-consciousness tell you WHAT YOU THINK and WHAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE, read more books, WRITE some books, plant a garden, take care of animals, eat healthy food and truly love affectionately as many people as you can, for as long as you can. Oh, in case I didn't mention it: don't expect a "savior", stay away from crowds.
As the saying goes, "We are the 'savior' we're looking for." Thanks for some good ideas!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. We all need more ways to feel good right now.
Yep. I agree, Rhonda.
Doubled our PBS donation, as you know it is one of the few places that tell truth. I think we've been trained to expect instant gratification in every aspect of life. With Gods' Grace Trumps supporters will turn on him when 'things' aren't instantly 'fixed'. Perhaps this is necessary: To hit bottom, get kicked around until we wake up and take control. I think it was Jefferson who said "All it will take to bring down this Democracy is for its citizens to not participate." I will add- for its citizens to become ignorant of how government works. The powers that be have worked hard to take Government Studies out of our schools. We studied government 6th through 8th grade and had to pass our 'Constitutional Test' before we went to High School. The test wasn't about memorizing dates and presidents, we had to show we understood the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our obligations as citizens. 'Complacency is the enemy of freedom' was drilled into us. Blessings
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.” —Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)