Truly, these are amazing times. Every morning, I ask what new edict will be revealed when I open my phone. Yes, there is always something that makes me gasp inwardly. I knew this would be a challenging time and I expected some of the things that are happening. Even so, some of the mean-spiritedness that has seeped into elected officials as well as citizens is truly amazing.
Basically, we’re living in a time where the limits and attributes of power are being explored and exploited. The far-right organized religions are fearful of losing their perceived control and are doing their best to seize as much power as they can. This has been going on for them for a long time and now has burst onto the national scene for all of us to experience.
The current president lives for power, fame, and money. He says he has been anointed God’s chosen one to set the country and the world back on “the correct path.” He has been able to dupe a lot of people into believing this while what he is actually doing is increasing his personal wealth and attempting to turn our country into an authoritarian regime.
I keep waiting for the Democrats to find their leader and their voices so they can step up to this critical moment in time and push back. So far, their involvement has been minimal. While we wait to see how this will play out in the larger world, what can we do in our own worlds?
Although a lot of what’s happening probably makes you disheartened, angry, scared, and depressed, please don’t let yourself stay there. Grab those bootstraps and raise your energy. Sing, dance, laugh, watch silly television programs or ones where the bad guys get caught, draw, paint, bang on a drum or on pots and pans. We can’t contribute to solutions if we allow ourselves to get stuck in the muck.
Make a list of what sorts of things you can do in the material world. Are there people who are on the firing lines who could use your support and friendship right now? Are there groups that could use your support? If you are in one of the targeted groups, do you have plans for protecting yourself and your family?
I know one family that moved to Canada once the election was over. They had brown-skinned people, LGBTQ+ people, and other minorities who they knew would be targeted. They had planned ahead and as soon as he won, they sold their house and business and moved.
I don’t think most of us need to go that far and many of us can’t go that far due to commitments as well as financial realities, plus it can be difficult to move to other countries without meeting some pretty strict requirements. However, this is the time to build a support system if you don’t already have one.
Some people advocate we ignore what’s going on, but I think that’s a mistake. Instead, send and feel grace falling and permeating the planet and everyone who lives here. There are many of us who do not support what is going on and are in the position of being spiritually knowledgeable and powerful. We can rain amazing grace onto the planet. We might not see immediate effects of these efforts since all of this has to work its way through humanity’s consciousness. However, what we do to resist spiritually matters right now and all of us can and must do this. Pace yourself because I think we’re in for a long haul.
Living in grace and ease,
You said, "He says he has been anointed God’s chosen one to set the country and the world back on 'the correct path.'” I think he is right. Just like Hitler & Pol Pot changed the world, made people ashamed, sad, dead, and many people became more aware, braver, kinder. On some level that we don't know yet, T Rump is and will be similar. My best solution currently is to surprise people. Hey, here's a big box of candy for the hardworking people at your clinic to share. Here's a class called Joyous Ruminations where we look at the good things in life we've liked and let that warm us for however long. Yes, I'd love to pay the last bucks on your food purchase. I'm honored to do it. This time: A blessed opportunity as well as what other things it is. I don't deny them. I appreciate you raising the conversation, Krysta.
You covered lots of bases today. I agree with your position and your suggestions.
I’d like to add the suggestion that this is an ideal time for folks to hire an objective third party to be a sounding board for them. Someone conscious enough to assist them to achieve a place of greater faith and trust in the true nature of man -their own authentic nature. (In my opinion this is a necessity in all times, not just the rough ones.)
It’s important for us all to understand and seek to experience the difference between our egos and our soul-selves; for us all to get over our anger, guilt, shame, & judgment. This can be a powerful way to draw comfort from within and to withstand what’s going on ‘out there’.