Very interesting! I am curious about meditating!

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Thanks - there are many different types of meditating and tons of information on You Tube and other places. Years ago I reviewed a book that explained various types of meditation but I can't remember the name. I went to Amazon and found this book. It explains and leads you through 50 different types! You could read about the variations and choose some that feel good to you...https://www.amazon.com/Meditations-meditation-techniques-improving-maintaining-ebook/dp/B07FC4KY1M/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3LUYI0IXQSMA5&keywords=different+types+of+meditation&qid=1685551601&sprefix=different+types+of+meditation%2Caps%2C5551&sr=8-8

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Thank you, I’ll check it out! Appreciate it!

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