Admitting that I speak from outside of the culture you describe, as someone familiar with evangelicalism from a Canadian context;
It appears that some wide swaths of the evangelical culture in the United States have ceased to be Christian and have become an idolatry of guns and the flag. The idolatry includes child sacrifice as an accepted ritual to the idols. Ted Cruz and other political leaders appear as high priests who ensure that the system remains in place knowing that it’s idolatry, but drawing their wealth and status from the system. They tell the masses that it simply has to be this way.
Yes, Todd, there is a large group of people who call themselves Christian but who worship guns, violence, and control. They are a minority who have been able to seize power and are holding on tight. Jesus would not be pleased.
Admitting that I speak from outside of the culture you describe, as someone familiar with evangelicalism from a Canadian context;
It appears that some wide swaths of the evangelical culture in the United States have ceased to be Christian and have become an idolatry of guns and the flag. The idolatry includes child sacrifice as an accepted ritual to the idols. Ted Cruz and other political leaders appear as high priests who ensure that the system remains in place knowing that it’s idolatry, but drawing their wealth and status from the system. They tell the masses that it simply has to be this way.
Well put, Todd. It seems to me many "Cristians" have been manipulated by the money worshipers in disguise 🥸
Yes, Todd, there is a large group of people who call themselves Christian but who worship guns, violence, and control. They are a minority who have been able to seize power and are holding on tight. Jesus would not be pleased.