I agree. There are those that will "play it up" to look like the victim too. Sadly, they are the ones that get the media attention. Being openly a lesbian has had it's issues. It can be a raciest thing too. Being out here in the country where women and girls are encouraged to shoot, ride, drive heavy equipment and heard cattle, I can blend in very easily. I've never really had much of a problem with anyone no matter where I was. But the few I've encountered that didn't "approve" of me didn't cause any harm to me either. I can either "kill them with kindness" or "get in their face". My everyday mode is neutral and polite. So, it's easy for me to opt for the "kindness" part. As for being of a different race and skin color, I think it's gotten worse overall. I doubt we will see it go away much in our lifetime. These things take time and education. Being raciest is something that kids learn from other racists. We aren't born raciest.
I agree. There are those that will "play it up" to look like the victim too. Sadly, they are the ones that get the media attention. Being openly a lesbian has had it's issues. It can be a raciest thing too. Being out here in the country where women and girls are encouraged to shoot, ride, drive heavy equipment and heard cattle, I can blend in very easily. I've never really had much of a problem with anyone no matter where I was. But the few I've encountered that didn't "approve" of me didn't cause any harm to me either. I can either "kill them with kindness" or "get in their face". My everyday mode is neutral and polite. So, it's easy for me to opt for the "kindness" part. As for being of a different race and skin color, I think it's gotten worse overall. I doubt we will see it go away much in our lifetime. These things take time and education. Being raciest is something that kids learn from other racists. We aren't born raciest.
So true: we aren't born racists!!!!!!