Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Krysta Gibson

You make a really good point, but it extends beyond pain. For example, from time to time, many times even, consistently, I might feel confusion, disappointment, sadness, anxiety, frustration, worry, fear.... and if I experience those things, then I'm pretty sure other people do, too. I respond well to kindness, good communication with others, getting the "benefit of the doubt" and, generally, being accepted the way I am -- not the way other people think I SHOULD be. If that works for ME (and it does), I'm positive other people would appreciate being treated the same way. I'm not perfect, I miss the mark many times and often rub people the wrong way.... but self-overcoming is my freedom. BTW... I hope everyone has a soft landing after this month's Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Venus retrograde in Leo. Just remember: it could be worse and, before the dust settles, it still might be.

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Yes, it applies to many aspects of life! Thanks for reading and commenting....

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Krysta Gibson

well said, Krysta. Kindness is essential to ease any sort of pain.

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...and so many types of pain are evident these days.....thanks for reading and commenting...

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Krysta Gibson

Yup! I agree with all of you and would only add how easy it is for me to be hard on MYSELF when I am in pain, whether it be body, mind or spirit. That's where you all come in as part of my chosen "system" that nourishes and keeps all of me in balance when the world gets pushy. Blessings to you all!

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I found a video I did a few months ago for Growing Older and Wiser. It will post this Saturday -- pain is such a big issue for lots of people these days. AND I agree, the first pace we go is to blame ourselves.....Sigh.

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As someone for whom pain has become the way to frame the day, thank you. And I think, for those of us who are in pain, acknowledging the little kindnesses of others is important. As they help us with some obstacle, they also get a chance to feel good about themselves. Thanking them and reinforcing their goodness is our role in the cycle of kindness.

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So very true.....

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