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As a "planet" -- our country, as a soci-economic, socio-political collective consciousness, --- we've been retrograde for far too long. It feels like the "planet" of our progressive rational critical-thinking mind is about to go direct and it can't happen fast enough. The "planet" could be direct for four, eight, maybe even 16 years, so we really need to ride it out and do as much "good" as possible, because "planets" go retrograde and direct all the time. The particular time we're in right now is on the cusp of our "planet" looking

FORWARD a time for us to "do no harm", keeping in mind that the "planet" will go retrograde again at some point. We can use our time to prepare for the future and be an example of "possibilty" for whatever generation needs it. And there WILL be another generation that will need it.

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