Have you noticed that most of us spiritual types are always trying to fix something? Usually it’s ourselves. If only we could meditate longer and deeper, then life would be grand. If only our relationships were better, we’d be closer to being the person we want to be. If only our health issues were resolved, then we’d be free to walk our path with greater joy. In other words, if only we could be who we aren’t right now.
If only. Those two words are like a harness that keeps us tied to the exact thing we want to change.
What if, instead, we just said, “Okay. This is who and what I am. I’m good at some things and could stand improvement in other areas. But, right now, this is it.” What if once we said this to ourselves, we embraced who we are and got busy living our lives the best we can without trying to fix ourselves or anyone else?
So we meditated deeply only fifteen minutes today. Yes, we put sugar on our breakfast cereal this morning. We did think a judgmental thought about that driver who cut in front of us on the freeway. And, darn it, we didn’t do our reading assignment for the class we’re taking at our church. Uh-oh. We weren’t perfect.
We did, however, smile at the people we met on the street and sent them loving thoughts. We did drop a few dollars into the food bank bucket at the checkout stand in the grocery store. And, yes, we kept from responding when the boss said some unflattering things about the work we did. Hmmm, maybe we’re not so bad after all?
It’s when we can accept ourselves for who we are right now and stop trying to fix ourselves that we will also stop trying to fix everyone else. We’re afraid that if we stop trying to fix ourselves, we’ll turn into a pile of unspiritual mush! If we let off the pressure for even one second, we might reveal ourselves to be a horrible person.
The exact opposite is true. When we stop trying to fix ourselves and others, we can begin to be who we are and we’ll find ourselves naturally moving forward into who we want to become. We don’t stop growing and evolving. We start growing and evolving into a more splendid person.
I know this is true of you because you’re reading this right now. And I know how hard you are trying to become the best you possible. You are the best possible you right now – and you are growing into an even better you every second. Relax. Do your best. Stop trying to fix yourself and start living the life of your dreams right now.
Living in Grace and Ease,
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This made me smile😉