This morning as I was sipping some coffee and looking out my window, I saw our Palo Verde tree showing off her yellow blossoms. Because of the height of my window, I could see that the flowers are only at the very top of the tree. Because the tree is so tall, if I was standing right beside it, I wouldn’t see the flowers. I wouldn’t know she had blossoms. I realized our manifesting efforts can be like this.
Sometimes, we’re too close to what we’re doing and can’t see the results. Then we think we’re not having results and start fiddling with things, not realizing we’re actually making our manifestation more difficult. If we were to stand further back, we would see the flowers at the top of the tree.
I’m talking about having faith in the process and not doubting ourselves, something that can be difficult to maintain. We need to realize that if we’ve got our metaphysical ducks in a row and are taking inspired actions on a regular basis, what we are intending will happen. But, you say, “Sometimes I don’t get what I want no matter how well I intend and act.”
You are right. This is true because sometimes the Universe has something much, much greater in store for you and if you would stop standing right beside your tree and put some distance between you and it, I’m willing to bet you would see the flowers being grown for you. They might be a different type and color than what you thought you wanted, but they will be glorious and perfect for you.
Living in grace and ease,
An important aspect of using sigils, for example, doing "sigil magick" -- or any kind of magick, is that after the work is done and set in motion, to forget it, forget about it, don't concentrate on it anymore, let it go and expect results, knowing that results will manifest, put the spell deep in the subconscious where it can grow and produce. A flower doesn't appear if we dig up the soil everyday to find out if the little seed is making progress.
Yes, and that's so what I see in doing releasing. Just letting go and knowing that it will work. :-) I love the imagery of the flowers at the top of the tree.