There’s a video circulating on Facebook. The video shows a few short vignettes where it looks like people are doing one thing when, in fact, they are doing something else. We’re told not to judge others by appearances. (The videos are commercials for a lending company and are meant to convey that this company won’t misjudge their customers when they apply for loans.)
How often do we do this in our lives? It’s easy to look at people and situations and think we know what’s going on when we don’t have a clue. This is a very important lesson to learn on the spiritual path. Sometimes we are tricked into growing because we assume things are one way, take a particular action, and then learn the situation or person was the opposite of what we thought it to be.
Sometimes something negative happens to us and we are distraught, asking ourselves what we did wrong to attract this terrible thing to befall us. Later we discover there was a beautiful gift wrapped inside the event. I know two people who lost everything in fires. When I asked them about it, both said that after they got over the initial shock, they realized they were being given a clean slate and could start over again. Both felt lighter and freer than before the fires that took all their material possessions.
Sometimes we meet people who we judge as being unkind or even mean. As we get to know them, we find out they are wonderful, heartfelt people. The persona that we judged to be negative serves them in their work in the world.
It takes spiritual maturity to be able to face our daily lives without judging anything. To be able to accept everything simply as it is without having to label it as good or bad is the doorway to inner peace and living from a place of love. Give this a try in 2024 and see if it doesn’t bring you the gift of peace. Happy New Year!
Living in grace and ease,
If you’re looking for some inspiration in the new year, check out my book Inspiration!
The two worst periods in my life (at least that's one way of looking at it) concerned literally life-threatening medical emergencies requiring immediate hospitalization and expensive exotic treatment for months. Those periods of critical intensive care were the most creative and spiritually enlightening
experiences I've ever had! Since then, I've been chasing the mental state inside those physical issues just below my subconscious or superconscious reality and bring it up to a conscious level. The bible even has a verse for it: "when I'm
weak, then I'm strong.” (2 Cor. 12:9) But I like Nietzsche's view better "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." (Twilight of the Idols) SIDEBAR: I'm thinking about writing a book about politicians: "Twilight of the Idle".... but that's off the subject. LOL