If you’re not happy with your life, look at your choices. Every choice you’ve made in your life thus far, creates the life you have today. This is true for all of us.
“Oh, no.” I hear you moan. “How can you say that? There is so much wrong with the world today and the people in my life are so bad, no one could be happy in my shoes. This has nothing to do with choices.” Really?
If you aren’t in charge of making choices for your life, who is? This can be a challenging idea to accept; however, once we do, we’ll find ourselves free at last. It is true that we cannot force other people to behave in any particular way. It is true that the world seems to have gone nuts. It is also true there are mean, manipulative, cruel people in this world.
And we get to choose how to respond to them, whether to spend time with them, and where we focus our thoughts and behaviors. Do we want to focus our energy on the negative people, or do we want to engage with positive, creative people who are busy making their lives and the world a better place?
If you’re unhappy with any aspect of your life, spend some time looking at the various aspects and ask yourself how you would like it to be different. Then ask yourself what you need to do or become to create your life the way you want it to be. Design a plan to do those things and focus all your thoughts, energy, and actions in those directions.
Forget about complaining and use that energy to move yourself in the direction you want to go. Changes might not happen overnight, although I wouldn’t rule that out. Once we turn our ship around and get it pointed in the right direction, it is amazing how the Universe responds to us. Give it a try and let me know what happens.
Living in grace and ease,
Your post today is loaded with important implications, but I want to comment on this one: "Ask yourself what you need to do or become to create your life the way you want it to be." A hard realization in the process of self-discovery is experiencing that the life we have, the one we're living right now, is life as we WANT IT TO BE. We're getting something out of it. We might tell ourselves that it's not our "fault" how life turned out, but we created it. We made it. We caused it. We can blame circumstances or other people but we can't continue to play the victim and hope to transform what we do or who we've become. The good news is that transformation happens
in the blink of an eye, in the time it takes to speak "possibility" into reality.