Is your faith being challenged?
Many people are being challenged in the faith department these days. With what’s going on politically, with the climate issues, and with the general upheaval we’re seeing in the world, how can we still have faith that “it’s going to be okay?” It can be tempting to throw up our hands and say “I give up!”
Faith is not a religious concept in the way I’m using it. In the secular sense, faith is a mindset, and we use it all the time. When you step on the floor or sit in a chair, you expect the floor or the chair will be there to hold you. You have faith that people will stop at a red light, so you keep going if your light is green. When you buy food at the store or drink water from the tap, you have faith that it will not harm you.
Another word for faith is belief - what do we believe in? Many people aren’t in touch with their beliefs and think that their beliefs are facts. Since people can hold differing beliefs, it becomes clear that all beliefs are not factual. If you want to know about your own beliefs, pay attention to your thoughts and assumptions for a few days and they will become clear to you.
Here are some suggestions if you would like to have more positive faith.
*Realize you don’t see everything. There’s more going on than meets the eye. Have faith in the big picture. Realize that things might not work out the way you think they should - sometimes we must let go of our need to be right to have faith.
*In one way or another, have you always been cared for? Yes! Then why do you think that’ll stop now?
*Be aware as you walk, move, drive etc….Be aware as you breathe, as you eat and digest food, etc…become aware of all the ways you trust and have faith - then apply it to the bigger issues.
*Gaining faith is like getting to Carnegie Hall - practice, practice, practice
*Use affirmations - here’s one from Catherine Ponder:
“I have faith that I am now in tune with the upward, progressive movement of life. The mark of success is upon me and the world.”
Another good one to use when you see the situations in the world: “Let there be light!"
*Where are you putting your attention? Where you put your attention is what you believe in - are you focusing on doom and gloom or are you focusing on the positive things that are happening
*Drop your shoulders and resign as general manager of the Universe.
*Ask angels to go where help is needed - the White House, Congress, Ukraine, etc…use the tools you have to help yourself and others.
*Get involved - there’s nothing like action to get you out of the doldrums and feeling more positive. DO something!
Remember: this is a benevolent universe even when it seems it isn’t! Look for and focus on the benevolence and you will find it.
Living in Grace and Ease,