It’s unusual for me to get angry. There’s nothing wrong with anger. It’s just that my way of looking at life doesn’t usually include my getting angry. I know things will work out eventually. I know the pendulum always swings the other direction. I believe in karma. People will create their own retribution. They don’t need my help. Today is a bit different. I read an article in the Washington Post that hurt my soul and made me feel anger.
Maybe you saw the article. It’s called The Short Life of Baby Milo and you can read it here. The basic story is that a woman in Florida was pregnant, and everything looked fine for the health of the baby. Halfway through the pregnancy, however, the parents discovered the fetus had a condition called Potter Syndrome. If born, the child would not live more than a few hours, if that. Even though Florida law does state a person can have an abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus had a heartbeat, and no doctor would provide an abortion. Because the Florida law is written in an unclear manner, doctors fear losing their license or going to prison if they provide an abortion
Labor was induced at 37 weeks and baby Milo lived 99 minutes trying to breathe the entire time. The baby suffered. The parents suffered. The grandparents suffered. Baby Milo’s brother suffered. Who didn’t suffer? The lawmakers who put these conditions in place, conditions that are at odds with good medical practice. In other words, these lawmakers are overriding the advice of medical professionals. The lawmakers are practicing medicine without a license. Last I knew, this is illegal.
The lawmakers get away with this because they are trying to hold onto the power given to them by far-right individuals who are forcing their religious beliefs on the rest of us. This is what made me angry. Everyone involved in this story suffered when it was not necessary for them to do so. This is getting worse and worse. As I am sure you are aware, there is a concerted effort to turn our country into a White Christian Nationalist nation.
Last week when I wrote about people with common sense becoming an endangered species, I ended with the question, What can we do about this? I suggested we each have to go within and find our own path, discover what action is best for us. After reading this article that stirred up my ire, I asked myself, “So what are you going to do about it?” Here is my decision. Perhaps it is something for you to consider as well.
Although I do contact my political leaders from time to time telling them how I feel about an issue, I don’t make a regular practice of it. That is changing right now. I am going to email and/or call them on a regular basis about the issues of the day. Even if an issue is not currently before them, I am going to be a voice of reason, a voice that speaks the truth. Yes, I know they don’t read the emails themselves or hear the phone calls. I also know they are given the gist of all communications and I also know it makes a difference to them when they hear from their constituents.
The far-right is good at this. Most of us in the center, or center-left as I call myself, aren’t organized to do this. Therefore, those other voices are heard more often and louder. When I worked in the senior center/retirement industry, there were organized groups that went to our state legislators once a year. We visited them face to face and made them aware of issues facing seniors. It did make a difference. So did phone calls and emails. We made sure the lawmakers heard us and our point of view.
I invite you to find out who your representatives are, get their contact information, and make a point of emailing or calling them on a regular basis. Tell them your position on the issues. Yes, I know. The first thing one person said to me when I shared this idea was, “It won’t make a difference.” True, if we believe that and don’t act. But maybe, just maybe, being sure the lawmakers hear a different point of view could make a difference in even one person’s life. Maybe this is a way we spiritual types can make a difference off the meditation or yoga mat. I don’t want to read about another Baby Milo. Do you?
Living in grace and ease,
Thanks Krysta. When good people stand by and say nothing and do nothing atrocities happen. The American Taliban authorities are counting on the passivity of good people to take away freedom. We must resist on all fronts.
Let's be honest: in Florida and a bunch of other states, "lawmakers" is code for REPUBLICANS and their ideology. I rarely get angry either and I don't usually feel hatred, but I compartmentalize really well.... I have a special emotional compartment walled-off from all the other emotions set aside for hatred of Republicans' ideology. It's working out for me quite well, thank you.