I was looking at some of my prior articles and found this one from 2020. It reads as if very little has changed in the past few years and could have been written today. See what you think…..
What do I write about?
I’ve had a difficult time deciding what to write about today. This weekly column is called Wednesday Inspiration because it’s meant to offer thoughts that will inspire my readers (that would be you) to live from the highest place possible. What’s making this difficult today is I’m seeing a disturbing schism in our community. Just like in the larger world, people are split in their viewpoints and, in some cases, are quite willing to argue, fight, and demean in order to convert others to their way of thinking.
For a community of people who say we are about love and light, there’s sure a lot of anger and darkness. Conspiracy theories have been around a long time and they abound today. A friend of mine likes to call them information to remove the charge around the idea of conspiracy theories. I prefer the latter myself. There’s the deep state, the cabal, George Sorus, the Illuminati, Bill Gates and vaccines and on and on it goes. We’ve always been able to find beliefs, teachings, and activities that are suspect. The difference today is discernment. What happened to discernment?
I see what appears to be people accepting information as truth without due diligence. I don’t always know the truth about a situation and it can be difficult to get to the bottom of things, but I try. As a society, we’ve allowed ourselves to be put into camps. It used to be we could dialogue about issues and sometimes agree to disagree and then move on. Now it seems everyone is entrenched in their viewpoints and less willing to accept other ideas.
The internet doesn’t always help, either. It can be a source of great information or it can lead us down a rabbit hole that comes out on the other side of the planet. Just because someone posts something on their Facebook page doesn’t mean it’s true. As much as possible, I try to see and hear the person or information for myself rather than relying on someone else’s interpretation of ideas or events.
Although it’s interesting to read opinion pieces about the presidential candidates, I watch them in real time. I don’t need anyone to tell me who’s stable and who isn’t, who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. My intuition has been honed over almost 73 (now 76) years now and has yet to let me down. When I listen and follow it, things go great. When I let myself intellectualize or second guess myself, the waters get muddy.
I suggest we get back to basics. Discern. Use your intuition. Stay out of fear. Trust the process. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be kind. Send out love and light, not anger and judgement. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Do your homework; don’t just accept things at face value. Remember: this is a time of great transition and transitions are usually messy. That does not, however, mean we have to roll around in the mud. If you’re on the planet right now - and clearly you are - and if you’re reading these words - and clearly you are - you are here to be a leader. You are here to help the planet navigate these treacherous waters. You are here to stand at the bow of the ship helping the crew move around the iceberg instead of running into it.
Let go of your ego. You don’t have to be right. Lighten up on following every scandalous tidbit you hear. Maybe it’s true. Maybe it isn’t. Spend less time trying to blame people and more time discovering solutions. Someday we’ll have moved through all of this. Our world won’t go back to the way it used to be. Life will be much better. Let’s be sure we’re one of the reasons the transition goes well and let’s be sure to help as many people thrive during this time as we can.
Living in grace and ease,
Here’s more…..
Crystals have been used on this planet from eons. Learn how to incorporate them into your life for greater peace and happiness. Go here and learn about my crystal class!
If you give presentations at work, teach classes, or speak in front of others from time to time, check out my class Tips for Teachers.
This piece is appropriate today, as it was when you wrote it. AND nice that folks like you are around to show a brighter side. AND, (I am going to vent now) in my opinion, there is no decent choice at all this go round. My eyes and ears are judging what I see and hear first hand. I mostly stop listening and watching to the news except when these guys make public fools of themselves and us.
How sad we Americans have not demanded a change in the electoral voting system, and allow congressmen to stay forever in office. We, as a people, and I myself, must take accountability for following following following because it’s easier and keeps some kind of peace. (The Jews did that and it resonates deeply within me as a deep sadness) And it seems like more people than not want to vote for that kind of leader who will tell us what we must and must not do, not realizing that freedom is slipping away.
I hope my respons is not abusing this platform, Krysta.
Scary idea about being put into camps! You probably didn't mean it like a prophesy but it sure fits now. Speaking about getting back to basics, here's a link to Waylon Jennings singing about "Luckenbach Texas" and the basics of love... and this was in 1977.