Is it possible to let go of our opinions? Do we want to? Watch this video and see what you think and please add your opinion in the comment section (see how I tricked you?).
The "Middle Path" is a paved highway without potholes, without manhole covers, without construction projects, without traffic jams and gridlock; it's nice and straight, we might even say the "Middle Path" is straightforward. It'll get us from point A to point Z, but that's about all it will do. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not much fun. While we're driving on the "Middle Path" we can see roads off to the left and right: dirt roads, winding roads, partially paved highways, high-speed police chases, traffic detours, accidents, tow trucks, freeways, interstates and billboards advertising everything from fast food, political candidates, legal firms and mega-churches. Our opinions and agendas are found on these "side roads". This is the long way home. If we start looking for a place to live there it's not going to turn out well. The idea is to take the "Middle Path" and take some of the "side roads", and then head back up the "Middle Path". This is what we call The Journey. It's good to pay attention to the roads we're on.
Easier said than done sometimes but a great reminder. Especially during the Holiday season where sometimes opinions run rampant. I will remember the middle path. Thank you. 🤗
The "Middle Path" is a paved highway without potholes, without manhole covers, without construction projects, without traffic jams and gridlock; it's nice and straight, we might even say the "Middle Path" is straightforward. It'll get us from point A to point Z, but that's about all it will do. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not much fun. While we're driving on the "Middle Path" we can see roads off to the left and right: dirt roads, winding roads, partially paved highways, high-speed police chases, traffic detours, accidents, tow trucks, freeways, interstates and billboards advertising everything from fast food, political candidates, legal firms and mega-churches. Our opinions and agendas are found on these "side roads". This is the long way home. If we start looking for a place to live there it's not going to turn out well. The idea is to take the "Middle Path" and take some of the "side roads", and then head back up the "Middle Path". This is what we call The Journey. It's good to pay attention to the roads we're on.
Easier said than done sometimes but a great reminder. Especially during the Holiday season where sometimes opinions run rampant. I will remember the middle path. Thank you. 🤗