Do you know some people who seem to have good things happen to them all the time? They win prizes and contests. Projects they are involved with always seem to work out perfectly. Trees don’t fall on their house or car. Instead, the tree lands neatly right beside the house or car? These people just seem to be lucky. How do they do this and how can we do it, too?
I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “Luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Although this is true, there is another kind of luck. It’s the kind of luck that happens because we’re tuned into a certain vibration or energy. And some people manage to do this without even trying. I think they have some good past life karma that is visiting them this lifetime. What about the rest of us. Can we attract more luck?
Yes, and here’s how.
It’s all about the energy we’re living in and projecting. If our energy is negative, downcast, worried, stressed, and tired, it will be difficult to attract lucky, positive circumstances. If, on the other hand, we are positive and happy most of the time, our energy will send out and attract other positive people and circumstances.
How do we change our energy if it isn’t the way we want it to be? First, we have to look at our beliefs and consider changing them if they don’t support our being more positive. Discovering what our beliefs are isn’t difficult. Just look at your life and you will easily see what you believe about yourself.
Our beliefs about ourselves manifest as the circumstances we live in. Most beliefs are formed in our early years, before the age of four – at least that’s what the scientists say. Although it can be difficult to challenge and change our beliefs, it can be done and it can be fun. There are many programs and processes available to do this including such things as affirmations, visualizations, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), counseling or therapy, and many others.
My favorite, though, is a regular meditation practice. Yes, a dedicated meditation practice that supports you in getting in touch with your superconscious self helps in releasing negative and self-sabotaging beliefs that live in the subconscious.
Another thing that affects our ability to be lucky is our physical environment. Where we live and work makes a huge contribution to how we feel about our lives and ourselves. This is one of the reasons you’ll hear people talk about using the principles of Feng Shui in their homes and offices. Letting go of clutter, being organized, surrounding ourselves with objects that delight and make us feel great contributes to our ability to attract more good into our lives.
What sort of books do you read? What sort of movies and television do you watch? The images that we put into our minds go directly into our energy space and help to create positive or negative circumstances. This doesn’t mean we have to always be reading spiritual non-fiction books or watching such movies.
Many people benefit from reading a good novel or watching a high quality movie or television show. The idea is to choose what you allow into your mental and heart space rather than simply allowing anything or anyone to enter this sacred space.
What sort of people do you spend time with? Energy is exchanged between people all the time so it is important to be choosey about who we spend time with. If our time is spent with people who are constantly complaining, gossiping, or being negative this attitude will tend to attach itself to us and then we’ll have a difficult time being positive.
Sometimes we are forced to spend time with such people due to our work or home situation. In those cases, it’s important to have topics of positive conversation ready so that when the negative person begins their tale of woe, we can change the topic to something better. Instead of them infecting us with negativity, let’s infect them with positivism.
It reminds me of a few years ago when I had a cold and had run into a friend at the grocery store. She reached out to hug me and I said, “No, I don’t want to give you my cold.” She continued to reach out to me, hugged me and said, “I won’t get your cold. Let me give you my wellness!” Instead of catching someone’s negativity, let them catch your positivism.
Keeping good company is vitally important. It’s one of the main yogic teachings. Fin ways to spend your time with other people walking a conscious spiritual path. This will support your efforts while also helping theirs.
Pay attention to your thoughts, words, and actions so that you are immersed in an energetic sea of love and kindness for yourself and others. Then watch your luck change!
Living in grace and ease,
Thanks for the cheery painting, and so appropriate for your cheery message today. Oh my, those little blue birds!