We need balance between being conscientious about our spiritual practices and knowing when we need to take a break, reassess, renew or embellish them. Sometimes we can be so one-pointed in a practice that we begin to do it from rote and routine and don’t realize we aren’t reaping the benefits that are possible.
Every once in awhile it is good to set aside a day or more and retreat from our usual schedule, give ourselves space to breathe and evaluate where we are, where we’re headed, and if we’re on the right track.
This applies to just about everything. From the business that needs to reassess its long-term growth plans to the gardener planning next summer’s produce, everyone can benefit from taking a break. Yes, even a break from the news can be healthy!
Any time is the prefect time of the year to give yourself this gift. Refresh yourself, your plans and your practices by taking a break! Reassess where you’re going and how you plan to get there. You won’t regret it!
Living in grace and ease,
I was exhausted and then I decided to prioritize my day and make sure I include time for reading and just relaxing doing nothing.
My wife and I took a break and we stopped watching ALL national cable news and that includes MSNBC and CNN. We watch local weather and that's it. I haven't watched "Morning Joe" or Rachel Maddow for 10 months and I've never been happier. Now I get my information from Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Colbert and Bill Maher. If we're "On the Road to Doomsday" at least we'll be laughing.