Something I think you may have noticed in today’s world is how many people have lost trust in institutions we used to take for granted. People used to trust government agencies and elected officials. People used to trust that society cared about children and would do everything possible to protect them. People used to trust they could go to public places and not be subjected to the possibility of being shot and killed.
I also see many people losing trust in themselves and in the Universe. They no longer believe they have the abilities and opportunities to realize their goals and dreams. They aren’t sure the Universe cares about them and will come through for them. The issue with this is it can be difficult to accomplish much of anything if we don’t believe in ourselves and/or the Universe. Here are some tips to help build more self-confidence in reaching your goals.
*Concentrate on what you’re doing instead of worrying about how it will get done. Too often energy is wasted on worrying. That worrying energy could be used to accomplish your goals. If you catch yourself worrying or doubting, cancel the thought and replace it with love. I like to say “Cancel. Cancel. Love. Love.”
*Has the Universe supported you so far in your life? If you are reading this, it has. What makes you think it won’t continue to support you? The Universe isn’t a whimsical force and will always come through for you if you do your part.
*Do you trust gravity? I think so. You trust it will be there every time you take a step. Why? Because it has always been there. You haven’t floated off the planet yet. If you can trust gravity, what makes you think you can’t trust life to support you?
*Get in touch with your instincts and intuition and learn to trust them. You will begin to feel when something isn’t right. There’s nothing like being in touch with your gut instincts and trusting them. We learn this by doing it – over and over and over again.
*The best way to learn trust is by trusting and proving to yourself how capable you are, how safe you are, and cared for by universal energies.
*We’re interconnected. Part of learning to trust is learning that others will be there and play their part when needed. We don’t have to understand how this works. It’s called synchronicity and the more we trust, the more it happens.
*Lack of trust usually comes from situations in the past when people let us down. If you hang on to those experiences, you will create more of the same. Remember the times you were not let down.
*Be trustworthy; be someone others can trust. Be supportive of others. Don’t be suspicious of others or you will attract that to yourself.
We certainly live in interesting and disruptive times. We don’t have to get bogged down in the negativity and uncertainty all around us. Let’s focus on what we can do in our lives, the ways we can generate feelings of trust, positivity, and love. Then let’s radiate those energies out into the world so they can touch those who need them the most.
Living in grace and ease,
great article and i can sure relate to all this like so many others. Well written and very helpful and reassuring! Thank you Krysta...