The other day someone pointed out to me that I had changed. I used to dislike historical novels and movies. I used to say I couldn't understand how anyone could enjoy reading books or watching shows about the past. How boring, I would say. I don't know how this changed for me, but it did. Now I enjoy some historical fiction and non-fiction, too.
While we were having this conversation, I said, "You know, one of the things I like about myself is my willingness to change." It’s true. I am open and willing to change. Since then, I have given this a lot of thought and realize how vital being able to change is to walking one's spiritual path.
Just like when we grow and develop as human beings, learning to walk and talk, read and write, on the spiritual path we need to be willing to learn new things, discard old ideas and practices, and grow into more adult expressions of our spirituality.
This doesn't mean we have to give up what’s working for us. But it does mean that sometimes to grow into our best selves, we have to let go of some of our lesser expressions and move into higher or better ones.
If you find yourself stuck now or in the future, ask, "Am I willing to change? Is there some way I am being prompted to change but I am hanging on to worn out ideas, attitudes, or practices?" If you answer yes, ask what would happen if you let go of the old and moved into the newer expression of who you can be - who you are being called to become.
Wouldn't it be fun to discover that you like this new you even better? Allowing ourselves to change can be exciting and filled with great surprises. Give it a try and see what happens for you!
Living in grace and ease,
Being willing to change is half of it: expecting change and embracing it is the other half. The one constant fact of life is CHANGE.
C: Consciousness
H: Healing
A: Awareness
N: Nurturing
G: Growth
E: Enlightenment
That's the key to havingness and happiness.
By embracing these qualities a person can truly "have" life in its fullest sense. An holistic approach underscores personal growth and transformation crucial for fulfillment. This is a deep spiritual truth about life's evolving nature.