Lots of people say they want to be happy and the number of books with the word “happy” in the title is mind-boggling. There’s nothing wrong with being happy. I love feeling happy and feel that way most of the time. However, there is a deeper layer to this that some books get into and others do not.
Maybe I’m splitting hairs, but I think happiness has to do with how things are going in our outer lives. The job or business is going good, we have positive relationships, our living situation is how we want it to be, and we are able to navigate through life without hitting a lot of bumps in the road.
Joy has more to do with our inner lives. We feel joyful because we are connected to a higher part of ourselves, the part of us who knows what we really are and who knows how fleeting the outer world conditions can be.
When we can attain this level of joyfulness, we are able to be even-tempered no matter what is going on in our lives. We have a strong inner anchor that mere circumstances can’t touch. I know many of you who read these newsletters know exactly what I’m talking about because I hear from you on a regular basis.
If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about, get involved in some sort of daily spiritual or meditation practice and see if you can find this inner joy! It will change your life in ways you can’t begin to imagine.
Living in grace and ease,
I used to joke around and say my happiness was due to short-term memory loss: if something upsetting happened, a few minutes later I wouldn't remember it. (LOL) But seriously, I love your art work, especially in this post... the colors and design are very peaceful.