If we pay attention, life is astonishing. The other day I was watching a movie on television. I put the movie on pause and marveled at what I was seeing. Here was a group of people who got together in the past on a movie set, following a script they memorized, wearing special wardrobes, with video and sound people all around them (whom I couldn’t see) - and here I was years later watching them on this device called a television set. I was astonished. How was this happening?
I’ll admit that I’m still astonished that planes can fly, we can send voice messages, texts, and emails across the planet, and I can go to the grocery store and find foods from other countries at prices I can afford. What about watching plants grow, the seasons change, the moon cycles? Astonishing!
In these challenging times, the more we are able to focus our attention on what’s good and right in the world, we more we’re able to help shift and support the positive energies that are entering the planet right now.
For one day, pretend you’re from another planet and just landed on the earth. See everything with new, open eyes. Let go of your fixed attitudes and judgments and just allow yourself to be astonished at this world we live in. This simple practice is a lot of fun and can offer you renewed energy and joy while helping you feel deep gratitude for everything and everyone in your life.
Living in grace and ease,
Alan Watts wrote a book about that: "Joyous Cosmology"! Thanks for reminding me.